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Tax Insights

Investing in the Future With a 529 Education Plan

November 21, 2022

If you have a child or grandchild who’s going to attend college in the future, you’ve probably heard about qualified tuition programs, also known as 529 plans. These plans, named for the Internal Revenue Code section that provides for them, allow prepayment of higher education costs on a tax-favored basis.

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Inflation Reduction Act Expands Valuable R&D Payroll Tax Credit

August 8, 2022

When President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law in August, most of the headlines covered the law’s climate change and health care provisions. But the law also enhances an often-overlooked federal tax break for qualifying small businesses.

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Year-End Tax Planning Ideas for Individuals

October 31, 2022

Now that fall is officially here, it’s a good time to start taking steps that may lower your tax bill for this year and next.

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Don’t Forget Income Taxes When Planning Your Estate

October 24, 2022

As a result of the current estate tax exemption amount ($12.06 million in 2022), many estates no longer need to be concerned with federal estate tax. Before 2011, a much smaller amount resulted in estate plans attempting to avoid it. But now, because many estates won’t be subject to estate tax, more planning can be devoted to saving income taxes for your heirs.

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Separating Your Business from Its Real Estate

October 17, 2022

Does your business need real estate to conduct operations? Or does it otherwise hold property and put the title in the name of the business? You may want to rethink this approach. Any short-term benefits may be outweighed by the tax, liability and estate planning advantages of separating real estate ownership from the business.

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Clean Vehicle Credit Comes With Caveats

October 10, 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes a wide range of tax incentives aimed at combating the dire effects of climate change. One of the provisions receiving considerable attention from consumers is the expansion of the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit (IRC Section 30D), now known as the Clean Vehicle Credit.

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Year-End Tax Planning Ideas for Your Small Business

October 3, 2022

Now that Labor Day has passed, it’s a good time to think about making moves that may help lower your small business taxes for this year and next. The standard year-end approach of deferring income and accelerating deductions to minimize taxes will likely produce the best results for most businesses, as will bunching deductible expenses into this year or next to maximize their tax value.

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Home Sweet Home: Do You Qualify for Office Deductions?

September 26, 2022

If you’re a business owner working from home or an entrepreneur with a home-based side gig, you may qualify for valuable home office deductions.

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IRS Offers Penalty Relief for 2019, 2020 Tax Years

September 19, 2022

While the recently announced student loan debt relief has captured numerous headlines, it’s estimated that another federal relief program announced on the same day will provide more than $1.2 billion in tax refunds or credits. Specifically, IRS Notice 2022-36 extends penalty relief to both individuals and businesses who missed the filing deadlines for certain 2019 and/or 2020 tax and information returns. The relief covers many of the most commonly filed forms.

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